Autor Thema: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation  (Gelesen 18619 mal)

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As always, thank you for this site and IMC!  I cannot believe I never noticed the documentation that is included with IMC, and I am just reading it. Thank you, Gary, for pointing out this information. It's a very nice PDF document (love it).

I am attempting to utilize the Chart Selection with the description string in order to have multiple charts on my Lowrance HDS 7 Gen 3.  My current goal is to have ESRI Topo US maps as a Chart Selection, and I want to use my satellite imagery as a Photo Overlay.

I need help understanding the different choices under Advanced Options > Raster Options > Raster Map Type.

I understand Satellite Imagery is now a "Photo Overlay," and I understand Shaded Relief is basically the main maps that show up on the unit. What are the following options?

Topographic Imagery
Raster Nautical Chart

Side Question: Is there a way to process maps to be lighter or darker? For example, my ESRI Topo US maps show extremely light/bright on my unit. Satellite Imagery (photo overlay) shows really dark in some areas.

Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

[EDIT:  Sorry. I think I put this in the wrong forum section!]

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #1 am: 11 April 2016, 19:59:12 »
[EDIT:  Sorry. I think I put this in the wrong forum section!]
I moved it. :-)

Offline siiverlce

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #2 am: 11 April 2016, 20:00:13 »
I moved it. :-)

Thank you, sir!

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #3 am: 11 April 2016, 22:41:21 »
Custom map types are designed to represent a number of default styles of maps.  There's also overlap between these options.

Not all custom map types may have designed behavior as the mapping enumeration preceded the chart plotter integration by a few years.

I didn't design or implement the integration on the chart plotter so the details are a bit fuzzy.  By memory, this is what I remember for how it was integrated:

- Shaded Relief is any kind of map with artificial light based shading.  This is the traditional default type of imagery.  This is always the bottom layer.
- Satellite Imagery refers to either Satellite Imagery or Aerial Imagery.  This is controlled through the photo layer.  This is always the middle layer under photo overlay.
- Topographic raster implies a map that combines land based contours with land based shading.  I'm unclear on how exactly this layer is integrated on the chart plotter.
- Raster Nautical Chart (commonly referred to as RNC) is a rasterized version of a nautical chart.  This layer is used as a vector replacement.  I believe there may be a special case where RNC is the only raster layer where it is instead displayed as a Shaded Relief layer.

There isn't a way to adjust the colors in a raster layer with the IMC.  Internally, we use a complicated INI format that operates on each individual layer but it would be impossible to integrate this in a way that isn't overwhelmingly confusing for a standard user.

Offline siiverlce

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #4 am: 12 April 2016, 20:11:34 »
Custom map types are designed to represent a number of default styles of maps.  There's also overlap between these options.

Not all custom map types may have designed behavior as the mapping enumeration preceded the chart plotter integration by a few years.

I didn't design or implement the integration on the chart plotter so the details are a bit fuzzy.  By memory, this is what I remember for how it was integrated:

- Shaded Relief is any kind of map with artificial light based shading.  This is the traditional default type of imagery.  This is always the bottom layer.
- Satellite Imagery refers to either Satellite Imagery or Aerial Imagery.  This is controlled through the photo layer.  This is always the middle layer under photo overlay.
- Topographic raster implies a map that combines land based contours with land based shading.  I'm unclear on how exactly this layer is integrated on the chart plotter.
- Raster Nautical Chart (commonly referred to as RNC) is a rasterized version of a nautical chart.  This layer is used as a vector replacement.  I believe there may be a special case where RNC is the only raster layer where it is instead displayed as a Shaded Relief layer.

There isn't a way to adjust the colors in a raster layer with the IMC.  Internally, we use a complicated INI format that operates on each individual layer but it would be impossible to integrate this in a way that isn't overwhelmingly confusing for a standard user.

Haha! I called you Gary... Sorry, Gregory. I posted this thread while I was walking out the door for work.

I appreciate all that info! That's good stuff to know. I read/saw your reply right away, and I thank you for replying so quickly whenever we seek help here. I hope you do not mind if I asked a few more questions...

Which of those options would be best to have as a base layer when using satellite imagery as a photo overlay?

I processed ESRI's Topo US maps through IMC, but it looks extremely "light" on my unit. I can see it clearly on my computer screen, but it's barely legible on my HDS. I accidentally processed it as a "satellite image," so it was a Photo Overlay. I'm currently waiting for it to be re-processed, and I hope it's not as "light." The map was completely bright white outside the borderline, so I was thinking it may show up better if it were layered atop another map. I mention all this... because... I'm wondering if I should have a base layer for my topo map? Would this help see it better on the unit? I have attached a screen shot from my computer of the map in question, and I'll take a screen shot from my unit later. Just to better illustrate what I'm referring.

Are we able to combine these layers you mention? For example, create a shaded relief map with a topographic map layered over it.

I sure hope I'm understand this and articulating my thoughts correctly.

As always, THANK YOU GREGORY. Your help is invaluable.

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #5 am: 12 April 2016, 20:55:14 »
Some colors will not appear as well on a chart plotter screen as it does on your computer screen.  Sunlight visible screens tend to have poorer contrast than your computer screen.  You'll notice this more on colors that are closer to white (high intensity/low saturation) and colors that are closer to black (low intensity).

The colors on the AT5 are close to the colors on the source imagery.  Some color is lost through lossy compression but the overall image should match pretty well.

You can always modify the source imagery to darken it up rather than relying on the IMC to modify the imagery.  Modifications built into the IMC would be a convenience rather than a necessity.

The IMC will composite any imagery based on the resolution of the source.  The statement that there is cross over is more about raster mapping not fitting into a single category of imagery.

You can also select multiple sources in some cases like Shaded Relief + Photo as the chart plotter UI will allow.

Offline siiverlce

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #6 am: 12 April 2016, 21:17:06 »
Some colors will not appear as well on a chart plotter screen as it does on your computer screen.  Sunlight visible screens tend to have poorer contrast than your computer screen.  You'll notice this more on colors that are closer to white (high intensity/low saturation) and colors that are closer to black (low intensity).

You can also select multiple sources in some cases like Shaded Relief + Photo as the chart plotter UI will allow.

Thank you, sir! Again... Very helpful information. I greatly appreciate your help and time. I will look into better ways to get better images on my unit.

I am currently processing a Shaded Relief topo map and using the satellite imagery as a photo overlay. I'll test this today!

Do you have any recommendations for altering the colors of source maps before processing? Or does anyone have any recommendations for topo maps that may have darker colors? I'm not sure if topo maps are what I need. I'm just wanting to have maps that show accurate land/waterways in the marsh areas that I fish.

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #7 am: 12 April 2016, 21:38:56 »
I don't have any recommendations on specific applications to use.  I'm generally unimpressed with off the shelf software for modifying color composition so I use my own.

What I find works best on image darkening is to convert the pixels to a color space with a lightness component and scale it between 0.0 and 1.0 (CIELAB or HSL tend to work best) and then use logarithmic scaling.  What I mean by this is a conversion like "L = L ^ 2".  This preserves pure whites (1 ^ 2 = 1) and pure blacks (0 ^ 2 = 0) but shifts the rest of the colors down by a logarithmic curve (0.5 ^ 2 = 0.25).

Offline Volccc

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #8 am: 13 April 2016, 10:12:33 »
You can also select multiple sources in some cases like Shaded Relief + Photo as the chart plotter UI will allow.
Tried to combine Shaded + Photo + Vector. But I got strange result:
Shaded + Vector + Photo (with or without transparency) - Ok
Shaded + Vector - Ok
Photo (Shaded is on SD, but turned off) - all polygons lost, only isobaths, as happens if we have vector without at5.xml
But if I delete Shaded from SD, Photo+Vector works fine.
Does it expected result or something wrong with map, IMC, firmware of Elite TI?

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #9 am: 13 April 2016, 16:37:20 »
Tried to combine Shaded + Photo + Vector. But I got strange result:
Shaded + Vector + Photo (with or without transparency) - Ok
Shaded + Vector - Ok
Photo (Shaded is on SD, but turned off) - all polygons lost, only isobaths, as happens if we have vector without at5.xml
But if I delete Shaded from SD, Photo+Vector works fine.
Does it expected result or something wrong with map, IMC, firmware of Elite TI?

We'll look into this.

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #10 am: 14 April 2016, 14:30:00 »
The way the system was designed, it shouldn't be possible to turn off shaded when photo is on.  I don't believe this was controlled before the latest update and before that, the option was just broken.

The Topo Rasters are always just pooled with Shaded Relief Rasters for the unit.

The RNC Rasters are pooled with Shaded Relief Rasters for most maps because of a history of how a few maps were created.  The best fix at the time was to create a positive exception on newly generated maps when we desired behavior other than using the RNC Rasters as a base layer.

Despite the "Raster" option being available when used with At5 Major Version 14+ RNC Rasters, it doesn't control anything unless the RNC Rasters are set with a "DVOR=true" option in the description string (like the Manufacturer and Description is done).  The "Raster" option being available when it doesn't control anything and the At5 Major Version 14+ restriction will be eventually fixed for units still receiving updates.  Until this fixed, do not use At5 Version 12/13 RNC Rasters with the "DVOR=true" option set...they will be controlled by that Raster button but the Raster button will not be available.

Note: Major Version 14 isn't available on V0.7.4.0.  It will be available on the next public release.

Offline Volccc

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #11 am: 15 April 2016, 10:02:10 »
So as for now the best choice is:
Shaded relief - main background
Satellite imagery - something optional, to turn on from time to time
Vector - Nautical Chart
Is it correct?

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #12 am: 15 April 2016, 14:40:17 »

Offline siiverlce

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #13 am: 20 April 2016, 20:33:22 »
The way the system was designed, it shouldn't be possible to turn off shaded when photo is on.  I don't believe this was controlled before the latest update and before that, the option was just broken.

The Topo Rasters are always just pooled with Shaded Relief Rasters for the unit.

The RNC Rasters are pooled with Shaded Relief Rasters for most maps because of a history of how a few maps were created.  The best fix at the time was to create a positive exception on newly generated maps when we desired behavior other than using the RNC Rasters as a base layer.

Despite the "Raster" option being available when used with At5 Major Version 14+ RNC Rasters, it doesn't control anything unless the RNC Rasters are set with a "DVOR=true" option in the description string (like the Manufacturer and Description is done).  The "Raster" option being available when it doesn't control anything and the At5 Major Version 14+ restriction will be eventually fixed for units still receiving updates.  Until this fixed, do not use At5 Version 12/13 RNC Rasters with the "DVOR=true" option set...they will be controlled by that Raster button but the Raster button will not be available.

Note: Major Version 14 isn't available on V0.7.4.0.  It will be available on the next public release.

This actually makes sense to me, and it sounds like a great feature! I'm looking forward to your future releases. Thanks, Gregory!

So as for now the best choice is:
Shaded relief - main background
Satellite imagery - something optional, to turn on from time to time
Vector - Nautical Chart
Is it correct?

Would anyone mind explaining in "layman's terms" how I can use Vector maps thru IMC? It's ok to tell me no, and I'll continue trying to look things up as I go along. Try to grasp what I can.

This thread has now surpassed my knowledge and experience with maps, which is extremely little. I wish I can grasp what's going on!  :weisnicht1:  :smiley:

Offline siiverlce

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #14 am: 21 April 2016, 02:25:45 »
You can also select multiple sources in some cases like Shaded Relief + Photo as the chart plotter UI will allow.

What if ... The Shade Relief map was all black. Would this increase visibility of the Photo Overlay (Satellite) map? Especially one that has bright coloring.

Offline gregory

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Re: [HELP] Advanced Options > Raster Options [IMC] Explanation
« Antwort #15 am: 21 April 2016, 14:35:49 »
What if ... The Shade Relief map was all black. Would this increase visibility of the Photo Overlay (Satellite) map? Especially one that has bright coloring.

Blending is usually done through the RGB color space.  I guess you could use it to darken but it would change the perception of the color.