Autor Thema: IMC Commandline Parameter  (Gelesen 4335 mal)

Offline Wolfgang

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IMC Commandline Parameter
« am: 30 März 2015, 10:33:37 »
Hello, Greg,
I try to automate some expiries by the map production. Till present I have this command line string "insightmapcreator.exe c:/mappath/ -b" to start imc used. If there any further commands that I can use by the call.

Offline gregory

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Re: IMC Commandline Parameter
« Antwort #1 am: 30 März 2015, 15:45:41 »
You can also specify a ".log" file to export status messages to.

Offline Wolfgang

  • Barsch
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Re: IMC Commandline Parameter
« Antwort #2 am: 30 März 2015, 17:32:10 »
Hello, Greg,
many thanks for your quick answer.
I had hope I the file path for the files AT5 and the map bounding box as a parametre could hand over.


   '--- Shapetables export ---------------------------------------------------
   LogFile.WriteLine(FormatDateTime(Date(), 0) & " " & FormatDateTime(Time(), 3))
   strsql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables where table_name like ('" &rs("tmp_table_name") &"%');"
   set et = conn.execute(strsql)
   do while not et.eof
      tbl_Name = et("table_name")            
      shp_name = shape_path&"\"&tbl_Name         ' Namen des Shapfiles erstellen
      strrun = """C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\pgsql2shp.exe"" -f "&shp_name&" -h localhost -p 5432 -u xxxxxxx-P xxxxxx" & osm_db &" ""SELECT * FROM "& tbl_name &""""
      LogFile.WriteLine(FormatDateTime(Date(), 0) & " " & FormatDateTime(Time(), 3))
      LogFile.WriteLine(strrun) strrun,1,true               ' Export Shapefiles und warte bis fertig
   et.close                               ' Abfrageobjekt für Liste der Shapetabellen schließen

   '--- Den IMC starten ---
   for each v in at5_version
      prj =  imc_prjpath&"\"&tmpname&"_"&v&".sap"
      LogFile.WriteLine(FormatDateTime(Date(), 0) & " " & FormatDateTime(Time(), 3))
      LogFile.WriteLine("Create AT5 : "&tmpname&", Version : "&v)
           if objFSO.FileExists(prj) then
         ObjShell.ShellExecute imc_path&"\insightmapcreator.exe",""""&prj&""" -b",1
         LogFile.WriteLine("Error : No projectfile")
      end if   

Offline gregory

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Re: IMC Commandline Parameter
« Antwort #3 am: 30 März 2015, 18:00:22 »
Those are all specified within the sap files.

The sap format is not a publicly defined specification.