Autor Thema: looking for a howto to use OSM-Files  (Gelesen 7093 mal)

Offline ulf_l

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looking for a howto to use OSM-Files
« am: 20 Juli 2015, 06:37:07 »

I am looking for a howto to use the osm files as input for the IMC. Right now i get likely usable charts when converting the osm files as described in this video : Unfortunately all seamarks are missing and the Mediterranean Sea is also not shown.
Here are pictures as you see in in the OpenSeaMap and on the Lowrace Elite 5 Simulator.

So I would be very glad if anyone could help me with that issue.

Thank's a lot,

Offline gregory

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Re: looking for a howto to use OSM-Files
« Antwort #1 am: 20 Juli 2015, 13:33:11 »
Open Sea Map data isn't converted by the IMC.

You'll also need to supplement your ocean data.  There's a quirk in how the ocean data is provided  that makes the data usually very difficult and often impossible to generate.  The IMC will attempt to generate the geometry if the coastline data is complete to the edge of the bounding box.  If it isn't complete, it does nothing which is why the skip option is available as an advanced vector option.

You can download the OSM Ocean data here:

Offline ulf_l

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Re: looking for a howto to use OSM-Files
« Antwort #2 am: 20 Juli 2015, 14:04:42 »
Hi Greg

Thank you for that hint. I will try to add the shapefile in the afternoon. Am I right just to add that file in the source file dialog-box of the IMC ?

best regards, Ulf

Offline gregory

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Re: looking for a howto to use OSM-Files
« Antwort #3 am: 20 Juli 2015, 15:51:22 »
You'll need to set attribution.  The IMC process sets the ocean data to:

Layer 80
Lower Limit 0
Upper Limit 34
Fill Color 16
Border Color 9
MajCat "Nautical"
MinCat "Ocean/Sea"

You'll probably want to use the extents option (Advanced Options->Extent Options), as well, so you aren't generating an ocean polygon for the entire world...just your area of interest.

Offline ulf_l

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Re: looking for a howto to use OSM-Files
« Antwort #4 am: 20 Juli 2015, 18:17:13 »
Hi Greg

How cool is this  :grossefreude1:

Best regards, Ulf