Autor Thema: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne  (Gelesen 14665 mal)

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OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« am: 27 Juli 2015, 20:26:15 »
Hi Greg,

I discovered that the IMC supports the OSM tag man_made=breakwater but it doesn't support the tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne which are e.g. very common in coastal waters.
Could you please add those to the next IMC release?

I already tried a workaround by replacing groyne with breakwater and man_made=pier with highway=residential in the xml data but it doesn't always look nice because piers have sometimes an area=yes tag.

You can see a test case in the attachments.

Best regards

Offline gregory

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #1 am: 27 Juli 2015, 20:49:34 »
Easy enough.  I'll classify both as a shoreline construction (SLCONS/CATSLC).

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #2 am: 27 Juli 2015, 21:05:03 »
Thank you! :)

Offline ulf_l

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #3 am: 28 Juli 2015, 06:57:44 »

I'm new in this bussines, so i would be thankful if you could describe you solution way with a few words:
@Sven: do you use a xml-editor to change the values in the xml file ?
@Greg: shoreline construction is apparently no value for the man_made key. How did you do the "clasify" ?

I know it's a bit bothersome for people that knows all that things, but for the newbies it's hard to follow what you are doing.

Thank's a lot, Ulf

Offline gregory

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #4 am: 28 Juli 2015, 13:30:33 »
A lot of man made objects like piers, groynes, and breakwaters map to the Shoreline Construction type in the S-57 standard.

Fisherman and Navigators are most used to water type objects being classified under this standard.

Sven's remark is likely that he downloaded the .OSM file rather than the .OSM.PBF file and did a find replace on the "man_made=groyne" tag.

The .OSM standard is just the OSM data stored within an XML structure.

The .OSM.PBF standard uses binary encoded compressed data based off a Google Reader/Writer.

Object Type: SLCONS

Geometric primitives: P, L, A
Set Attribute_C:   (?)RECDAT; (?)RECIND; SORDAT; SORIND;
A fixed (not afloat) artificial structure between the water and the land, i.e. a man-made coastline.
INT 1:   IF 2, 4, 5, 6, 12-15, 18,23, 33;
M-4:   313.2, 4; 321.1-4; 322.1-2; 324.1;
canal bank; coastline; lake shore; land area; pontoon; river bank;

Attribute Type: CATSLC

Attribute type: E
Used in:   SLCONS
Expected input:
ID   Meaning   INT 1   M-4
1 breakwater   IF 4.1-3;   322.1;
2 groyne (groin)   IF 6.1-3;   313.4;
3 mole   IF 12;   321.3;
4 pier (jetty)   IF 14;   321.2,4;
5 promenade pier   IF 15;   321.2;
6 wharf (quay)   IF 13;   321.1;
7 training wall   IF 5;   322.2;
8 rip rap       
9 revetment       
10 sea wall   IF 2;   313.2;
11 landing steps   IF 18;   
12 ramp   IF 23;   
13 slipway   IF 23;   324.1;
14 fender       
15 solid face wharf       
16 open face wharf       
17 log ramp       

The attribute 'category of shoreline construction' encodes the usage of a shoreline construction.

Offline Guppyfreund

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #5 am: 28 Juli 2015, 17:53:52 »
Hi Ulf,

I use a Linux VM in VirtualBox to download and prepare the source files. I replace the tags with a program called sed because the osm files with xml structure are too big for editors like notepad++.

| sed -e 's/groyne/breakwater/g; s/k="man_made" v="pier"/k="highway" v="residential"/g' |
I also use osmfilter to keep only specific tags and osmconvert to create a .osm.pbf file in the end. sed is also available with cygwin for windows.


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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #6 am: 28 Juli 2015, 19:50:02 »
Too big for Notepadd++ ?  :schock:
How big did they grow ?

Offline gregory

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #7 am: 28 Juli 2015, 20:16:50 »
"Planet.osm is the OpenStreetMap data in one file: all the nodes, ways and relations that make up our map. A new version is released every week. It's a big file (XML variant over 576.6GB uncompressed, 42GB bz2 compressed and 28.8GB PBF at 2015/05/19).  There are also files called Extracts which contain OpenstreetMap Data for individual continents, countries, and metropolitan areas."

Only to around 576.6 GB  :fiesgrins:
Notepad++ handles XML files up to around 500 MB.

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #8 am: 28 Juli 2015, 21:26:58 »

Offline gregory

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Re: OSM tags man_made=pier and man_made=groyne
« Antwort #9 am: 29 Juli 2015, 00:27:27 »
Reminds me of this movie scene: