This is a rough translation for z level to Mercator resolution:
z5 - 8192 to 8192
z6 - 4096 to 4096
z7 - 2048 to 2048
z8 - 1024 to 1024
z9 - 512 to 512
z10 - 256 to 256
z11 - 128 to 128
z12 - 64 to 64
z13 - 32 to 32
z14 - 16 to 16
z15 - 8 to 8
z16 - 4 to 4
z17 - 2 to 2
z18 - 1 to 1
z19 - .5 to .5
z20 - .25 to .25
z21 - .125 to .125
As a reminder, keep licensing in mind when downloading any data set through that application.
My apologies for bringing up an old topic, but I have a question. What's new, right?
Should I build for for each Zoom Level & Resolution? Will there be a smooth transition between each resolution if I skip a zoom level?
For example. To save time. What happens if I only build z12 (64 to 64), z14 (16 to 16), z18 (1 to 1), and z19 (.5 to .5)??
Or should I build a Zoom Level for each step .5 through 64?
Side Note: Do I need a KML file for each Zoom Level, or can I use one KML file that includes all of the Zoom Levels?