I am struggling to get the RTP_LIMIT and RTP_COLOR attributes to function as I think they are intended.
Basically, I have a bunch of contour lines. U_LIMIT is 6 and L_LIMIT is 0 for these. When I zoom in to an ~100 m scale, these contour lines appear (as expected). Labels (depth) for the contour line also appear at the same zoom level. To reduce clutter on the screen, I would like the labels to NOT appear until the map is zoomed in even further. I have tried changing RTP_LIMIT to values ranging from 1 to 5, but labels still appear at the same zoom level as the contour lines (~100 m scale). Changing RTP_COLOR also doesn't seem to have an effect - the contour labels remain black with a white halo, regardless of what value I input.
I am using a Lowrance Elite-7Ti, and creating all at5 file using ATLAS Version 10 using IMC 0.7.4.
Any suggestions?