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Autor Thema: GoFree Link & Android 7  (Gelesen 3806 mal)

Offline PikeFly

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GoFree Link & Android 7
« am: 23 Mai 2017, 12:48:38 »

hat jemand die App GoFree Link auf Androud 7 stabil laufen?
Bei mur stürzt die App bei jdem Touch ab.

Gibt's evtl. einen Workaround oder ist die App unter Android 7 einfach nur buggy?


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Re: GoFree Link & Android 7
« Antwort #1 am: 24 Mai 2017, 08:37:19 »
Sorry in english
My letter to support:
Dear support,
GoFree link worked fine before I updated my Nexus 9 tablet to Android 7. Now it crashes after first attempt to press any simulated device button.
Is this application compatible with Android 7 version? Or how to diagnose problem with my device?
Final answer:
Thank you for letting us know. I don't have a way to get an android with 7 on it. No word on a update on the app to fix this as of yet.
Navico Technical Support

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Re: GoFree Link & Android 7
« Antwort #2 am: 18 Juni 2017, 09:48:45 »
Die App scheint am 15.06.2016 aktualisiert worden zu sein.
"Fixed remote control support for Android 7 devices"


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