Autor Thema: IMC "Failed to open file"  (Gelesen 3623 mal)

Offline Navarone

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IMC "Failed to open file"
« am: 20 Dezember 2017, 05:32:30 »

I'm having a problem trying to create an AT5 file. The process I amusing is as follows:
i:     Using SASPlanet, select an area and download tiles 18-19 then create a KML of the selected area.
ii:    Using IMC, Keyhole process, I build a file using the KML created by SASP. I then switch to raster mode I set the min resolution to 0.5 and the max to 2. I list my source folders which are xxxxxxxxx/vsat  (the cache folder in SASP for the downloaded Bing Saterlite images).
I then create a working folder on my desktop and select 'Build'.

IMC then goes discovers the images. It will create an AT5 folder in the working folder. And in that AT5 folder is a folder named '2'.
Then it crashes and I get the result/warning in the image below.

The really frustrating part is I managed to produce two really big working AT5 files before no problem. Far larger than the one in the image, with more levels of tiles. Now every attempt fails. I have checked my 'BitDefender'  to see if it's stopping it. I have tried clearing the caches. Removing and reinstalling both SASP and IMC. I just can't get it to work again.
I have been using windows 10 in all cases.

Anybody got any idea's before it drives me completely bonkers.


Offline gregory

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Re: IMC "Failed to open file"
« Antwort #1 am: 20 Dezember 2017, 14:15:52 »
It sounds like a secondary application interfering or a running out of space issue.

If it's breaking at this point, it's not SASPlanet and removing the IMC will do no good (because there's no real install - just a registry setting for things like recent files).

You can find out more about what the application was doing when it soft crashed by hitting Ctrl-Tab or going to View->Status Window.  That's a fairly low level crash that could happen in a few places.

You should also verify that you are running the latest version of the IMC (v0.7.4.0).

Offline Navarone

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Re: IMC "Failed to open file"
« Antwort #2 am: 21 Dezember 2017, 05:24:40 »
Thanks for that. It turned out to be BitDefender blocking writing to that file again. I'm sure I allowed the app and had double checked there was no other issues's. But anyway.

Although it's got me to the second problem I have had in creating these maps. Again a screen shot. It's managed to process some of the images.
This map I'm trying to make is only a 10th of the size I originally had no problem creating.


Offline gregory

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Re: IMC "Failed to open file"
« Antwort #3 am: 22 Dezember 2017, 15:23:09 »
On that one, go to Help->About and make sure you're running the newest version.

That's an unhandled exception which happened randomly on v0.7.3.0 or happens in some rare cases in v0.7.4.0 that are more OS related than programming logic related.