I'm having a problem trying to create an AT5 file. The process I amusing is as follows:
i: Using SASPlanet, select an area and download tiles 18-19 then create a KML of the selected area.
ii: Using IMC, Keyhole process, I build a file using the KML created by SASP. I then switch to raster mode I set the min resolution to 0.5 and the max to 2. I list my source folders which are xxxxxxxxx/vsat (the cache folder in SASP for the downloaded Bing Saterlite images).
I then create a working folder on my desktop and select 'Build'.
IMC then goes discovers the images. It will create an AT5 folder in the working folder. And in that AT5 folder is a folder named '2'.
Then it crashes and I get the result/warning in the image below.
The really frustrating part is I managed to produce two really big working AT5 files before no problem. Far larger than the one in the image, with more levels of tiles. Now every attempt fails. I have checked my 'BitDefender' to see if it's stopping it. I have tried clearing the caches. Removing and reinstalling both SASP and IMC. I just can't get it to work again.
I have been using windows 10 in all cases.
Anybody got any idea's before it drives me completely bonkers.