I am creating a map with Raster Imagery and after some research understand that to avoid Black borders at the edges I need to limit the rendering to the edge of the blocks created by the Software.
To this end, I created a block list for different resolutions so I could see the edges of the blocks for my map area. I then created some shape files to exactly mirror those edges that I intend to use as Raster Filter Shapefiles in the IMC advanced options to limit the Raster output in the IMC to the limit of my shapefiles (just to the edge of the outside blocks).
I am running IMC version 7.4.31
My Imagery is JP2000 format
My Raster Projection is GEO WGS 84
The Shapefiles I created are in projection GEO WGS84. I checked and the shapefiles are polygon and not Multi-patch. Each .shp shapefile has a .cpg, .dbf, .prj and .shx associated file. It looks totally good when loaded in Global mapper.
In the IMC, I loaded my Image data folder/file and also the the path of one of my created polygon shapefiles into the Raster Filter Boundary.
I am finding that the IMC will run and create the AT5s, however, the Filter Image Boundary shapefile is being ignored and the IMC is processing all of the loaded Raster. Therefore, the edges of the created raster fall outside of the block boundary and it creates the black borders.
I have tried all kinds of different projections and different attribute changes to the Boundary shapefiles but the result is always the same where the Raster Filter shapefile is totally ignored.
I have no idea what to do to fix this.
I am sure this is a simple fix but I am at a total loss to find a solution after of a couple of days of experimenting.
Can anyone advise how to resolve this? Thanks!