I've educated myself on base maps, I appreciate suggestion to do so. So now I want to generate my .at5 imagery map in Reefmaster using the .at5 map export function. To combine my .at5 map with a base map to the buffer blocks don't display (and are combined with the original base map, Reefmaster instructions are as follows:
AT5 Vector Map with
Open Street Map Data
Open street map data is available for free download and can be combined with ReefMaster map data during the map generation process. Open Street Map data can be downloaded from (choose the .osm.pbf format). Select the smallest region that covers the required area, to keep map generation times down. When using this export process, you will be prompted for the location of an OSM data file after clicking the Save button"
My maps fall in the Virginia region, however, the smallest region I can export from the .osm.pft collection is the entire Virginia region. Obviously this is way bigger that the extent of my .at5 map, so how do I clip small areas of the virginia.osm.pbf file to an area of extent that coincides with my .at5 map defined map area? I found other sites and resources that host Open Street Maps and allow clipping areas, however after exporting the clipped area, those files don't retain the .osm.pbf format which Reefmaster requires. I ran a test with a polygon clipped to my image file and included the virginia.osm.pbf file in the Add OSM Base Map of the Map Project utility, but it didn't clip the base map area and painted the entire United States and coastal waters in a orange color. I'll continue to run tests with different configurations, but just want to make sure I'm correctly understanding the instructions on how create maps without the buffer blocks as described in the Beta test group forum you referenced in your previous post.
Thanks again for guidance, I'm learning a lot,