For a the last couple of years I have created charts with Vector features (points, lines and areas) as well as Raster and I have been using the Version 12 setting with no issue. When I created a chart with Version 12, all of the vector features would display on top of the raster. However, the shaded relief setting must be on for the polygons to appear and obviously the photos have to be turned on as well. As long as those settings were correct, there was zero issues with this running on Simrads or HDS gen 1 - gen 3 and Elite Tis. I create the raster at5s using the Satellite Imagery setting in the IMC version 7.431
This week I updated some raster files using AT5 Version 12 as I have always done and used the same vector files as I have always used but found that for some reason when using the newly created AT5s the polygon vector features were not rendering on top of the raster any more and only the points and lines did. If I turned off the photos, the polygons are there. I am not sure why this all of a sudden it started processing the files this way with polygons under the raster.
So after running some tests with other settings and processing the raster using shaded relief settings instead of satellite settings among other things I found the solution to this was to process the Vector at5s using AT5 Version 13 instead of Version 12. So I kept the Raster using version 12, satellite imagery setting and ran the Vector with the version 13 setting. Problem solved. It seems to work as it should on my Simrad and also on a HDS Gen3 with no issues.
So after going through this some questions arose:
By using Version 13 for vector, will my chart display the same on older machines such as the Gen1 or Gen 2 or Elite Ti as it does on the newer units?
When, if ever, should AT5 Version 14 be used?
With respect to the Satellite Imagery Setting vs. the Shaded Relief Setting, it does affect the available settings in the unit after booting the chart up but both can work. If you use Satellite, shaded relief and photos must both be on for the chart to render correctly. If you use Shaded Relief, the shaded relief is just automatically on and photos are on and the photo control option is greyed out.
Is there some advantage to one setting over the other or reason to use one vs., the other? I was using Satellite so photos could be turned on or off if you like which does not appear possible with the other option since its become greyed out. The IMC directions I have are totally silent on this as well as a number of other features within the IMC which have descriptions that are too vague for a novice to understand what they mean.
Any insights on these questions is appreciated.