Hi Folks,
I just joined the group. Been using
IMC for a while and I like to create custom charts from various sources. Typically, I have been getting PDF maps of the ocean floor from various organizations that has bottom composition. I then load them into QGIS as a raster image after loading into the Georeferencing tool and creating lots of GCP points to convert it into a GeoTiff.
Then when I get all my layers I want I like to export it as an image with 1200dpi.
If it is only one single GeoTiff that I converted, I've used the 'Raster->Conversion->Translate' functions to convert to KML format.
My question to those that have experience; what method of exporting layers have you found the best for importing into IMC?
When I go to export to image, and then have to specify a canvas size and then the DPI...I notice that my font size of my labels will be different and sometimes everything gets skewed.
But if I have a single layer that I save as a GeoTiff and then go through the conversion utility to convert to KML, it seems to keep all my aspect ratios, and detail correctly.
A couple of years ago, I created a how-to video on doing these conversions of maps and then how to process in IMC. Hopefully this is useful for others that are starting.
https://youtu.be/3t7rL8aBw3c?feature=sharedIn the meantime, if you have some suggestions on better ways to export from QGIS for IMC, please let me know.
Thank you.